Heather Elyse (pictured above with 10 of her children) is the woman who started the orphanage where I will be working in Haiti. Here is her blog address.
You absolutely MUST read the story "Table for Nine," written by Heather's daughter. *New* Read Table for Nine, chapter 2!
You can also "Like" her page on facebook here.
Heather has a YouTube channel with 15 videos. Don't miss the one called "Our Story." Her daughter, Annelysia, who is 11 (I think), did the filming and editing of this video by herself. The children tell their stories in their own words. It is powerful, touching, and heart-rending to watch!
The orphanage where I will be serving is called the Giving Hope Rescue Mission. You can visit their website here.
The "Giving Hope Rescue Mission" also has a page on facebook.
Hi! How did you mission trip go? Blessings, Loly