This was one of my most interesting
days yet! I learned so much and had such a great time! I learned what they do
with olive pits, how many streets are in the Fez medina, how they tan leather, and a whole
variety of other things.
Daniel came over for breakfast this
morning. We’ve sort of adopted him. We ate fruit, bread, and yogurt. I wasn’t
feeling very well, but I felt better as the day went on.
At 8:30 , the three of us walked to McDonalds to meet Adair,
who was going with us on a tour of the medina! I made everyone late by
forgetting to dump pictures to my computer until the last minute, and then when
I got my computer up, the scanner & camera wizard would not pop up, so I
had to do it manually, which I don’t like, because it names the files all
Anyway! We caught two separate
taxis and went to the medina where we made our way to a travel agency where
we had a tour guide lined up. We had to wait for him
to come, so Adair and I walked to a café where she got crepes with honey and I
got water. I started counting how many donkeys/mules/horses I saw. Yesterday I
did it, too, and I saw about 14, so I wanted to see if I would break my record.
Our tour guide came, and he led us
into the maze of streets that is the Medina .
The medina, or old town of Fez ,
is walled, and only accessible through certain gates. It is home to 500,000
people, it contains 9,000 small streets, and there are an estimated 7,000
donkeys inside.
The streets are either lined with shops or the walls of houses. Where there are shops, the street is a little wider, but when you have house walls on either side, you can stretch out your arms and touch both walls.
The streets are either lined with shops or the walls of houses. Where there are shops, the street is a little wider, but when you have house walls on either side, you can stretch out your arms and touch both walls.
Mohammed was the name of our tour
guide. Dressed in a light blue t-shirt that said “Gulf Shores ,”
he looked almost like a tourist himself, and apologized for not wearing his
djallabah. He said he didn’t have any prior notice, so he had to come as he was
when he got the call. He showed us tubs of camel’s meat in fat, sheep’s heads
that people eat for breakfast, and chickens from the countryside that taste
better than ones from the city.
After the first few turns, I gave
up trying to maintain a sense of direction, and just embraced the feeling of
“lost in the medina, but not lost, because the guide was born here.” We came to
one place where there is a huge public wood-fire oven, where all the Moroccan
families bring their bread to be baked. Like a big kiln, it held hundreds of
loaves at a time, and a man stood at the small opening, constantly putting in
new loaves, flipping them, and taking them out. It was a little dark door that
I would never have seen if I was by myself, so it was nice to be shown these
places by a guide.
At another place, he stopped and
let us watch a man hand sewing a djallabah. It was beautiful material with
beads and lovely trim. Moroccans are artisans, and the men do extremely fine
work. It’s all men that do it, even the sewing.
We went into a spice shop, where
the lady also sold essential oils and different interesting things. We visited
a cloth “factory” where they had four huge floor-sized looms set up. A man was
working at one of them, and he doesn’t use a pattern or any type of design. He
just makes it up out of his own creativity, weaving cotton, wool, or silk into
the cotton warp. He can make a 2 x 4 yard piece of cloth in 2 days. The fabric
in there was beautiful. I thought about getting some, but waited until I got to
see the rest of the tour and decided I would come back if I wanted to buy
Then we went to the leather
tannery. That was interesting! I had always heard that tanning leather was
stinky, and it was, but it was fascinating to watch. The work is done in a lot
of big vats of all different colored dyes that we looked down on from a
balcony. It’s really indescribable unless you’ve seen it. The guy there told us
all about how it’s done, from the messy pelts they receive from the
slaughterhouse to the beautiful leather items they make. It gets washed in
plain water and then soaked in lime for several days. This makes it easy to
remove all the hair, which is scraped off. Then the leather goes in a
water/pigeon poop/and something else bath to make it soft and supple and
thicker. From there it is dyed, which also takes several days, and somewhere
along the road it is washed again in a washing machine with water to clean it
and remove the smell.
We also saw the guys making shoes
from the leather. It was so interesting to watch, because you could see them at
all different stages of the process.
I bought a belt at the little store
there. I also saw a really nice bag and a “poufy” (footstool/cushion), but I
didn’t get them because they were too much money. The poufy was 350 dh and the
bag was 600 dh. I can always go back if I want to, though. I love my belt! It
reminds me of a saddle in its color, shape of the buckle, and just general
characteristics. It was 150 dh…gulp…but I think I should have bartered with a
counter offer instead of just taking his asking price.
We left the leather tannery and
walked to a beautifully ornate building where they sell carpets. The place was
huge, and the proprietor spoke perfect English. He led us up three flights of
stairs, past one intricate carpet after another, and into a room where four
women were seated at a frame, using colored merino wool to create a huge
carpet. The woman closest to us was moving so fast, her hands were a blur.
Marie, Adair and I got the opportunity to sit down with them on the bench, and we got to participate in making a few knots. We would take a strand of wool and wrap it around two strands of the carpet warp in a way that made a latch hook knot. Then we had to break off the wool at the right length to create an even pile. It was difficult to do it in a smooth, consistent motion like they did. Their skill and speed was amazing, yet the guy said that this would be a lower-quality rug, since 4 people were working on it. Usually, he said, one lady will make a rug from start to finish at her home, and therefore the tension and pile will be perfectly consistent.
Marie, Adair and I got the opportunity to sit down with them on the bench, and we got to participate in making a few knots. We would take a strand of wool and wrap it around two strands of the carpet warp in a way that made a latch hook knot. Then we had to break off the wool at the right length to create an even pile. It was difficult to do it in a smooth, consistent motion like they did. Their skill and speed was amazing, yet the guy said that this would be a lower-quality rug, since 4 people were working on it. Usually, he said, one lady will make a rug from start to finish at her home, and therefore the tension and pile will be perfectly consistent.
Then we went downstairs and were
served mint tea while they rolled out lots of carpets for us to buy. The
smallest ones (4 x 6 feet) were about $250, while the largest were thousands of
dollars. I kept asking interested questions because I was curious about
learning more, solely for information, but think I led the guy to believe I
wanted to buy something. I had a hard time convincing him I was not. I just
couldn’t justify putting hundreds of dollars on the floor.
From there we went to lunch. We ate
at a very upscale restaurant where the entrees were 140-200 dh each. It was
good though! I had pastilla, a sort of meat pie that had powdered sugar on
top—very odd combination, but quite tasty. The meat in the pie was pigeon meat.
I don’t think I’ve ever tasted pigeon before.
Then we went to the ceramics
factory. My camera battery had died at the restaurant (sadly enough), so I
didn’t get to take any pictures, but it was fascinating, nonetheless. [Pictures shown here are from a subsequent visit to a different ceramics factory.] A man
showed us every step of the process, from the chunks of rock-like gray clay, to
the tubs of water where they soften it, to the people who shape it into tiles,
to the kilns, to the painters, back to the kilns, and then to their other uses.
Some of the tiles are chipped into amazingly precise mosaic pieces that are
then fitted together and made into tables, fountains, walls, and many other
things. Stairs, floors, pillars—everything is mosaic here.
We also got to see a man at the
pottery wheel. He was a master of his craft! Effortlessly, he shaped a tajine
pot before our eyes. Then, just as easily, without measuring, he made a
perfectly fitting lid. He made a candlestick and a beautiful fluted bowl with
equal dexterity, then lumped them all on top of each other and squished them,
causing me to gasp with surprise. But it was only a demonstration. The guy
unobtrusively put out a little money dish at the end, so I gave him 10 dh, my
only coin.
Then we saw someone putting mosaic
tiles together. The mosaic is assembled upside down on a perfectly flat floor,
and then it is ringed or bordered with an iron band to keep it all in. Concrete
is spread on top to set it, it dries for a few days, and voilà! A tabletop is
made. The fact that the mosaics are assembled upside down is amazing, though,
because some of them have intricate color patterns and multiple pieces of the
same shape but different color. The person’s memory would have to be very good
in order to trust that it was perfect. Once the concrete is poured, it’s stuck,
mistakes and all. I never saw a mistake in any mosaic, ever.
The kiln is heated to 900° the first time and 1200° the second time. They use olive pits and cedar wood for fuel. They obtain the olive pits (and all the other dry waste products of the olives after they’re squeezed) from people who make olive oil. Resourceful, isn’t it?
Then we went into their shop, where
I bought 2 beautiful bowls for 700 dh. Gulp. That was over $80.
So that sums up my tour of the
medina. I saw 54 donkeys today!
Keep Reading: Train to Rabat
Read the Previous Post: I Escape Being Robbed
Start at the Beginning: The Journey Begins
Keep Reading: Train to Rabat
Read the Previous Post: I Escape Being Robbed
Start at the Beginning: The Journey Begins
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